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Frequently Asked

  • What is the complexity of refinishing cabinets?

    Smooth front cabinetry without detailing, carving, or trim is simpler to refinish than cabinets with complex designs and details. Evenly refinishing complex carved or detailed cabinets takes more time and skill and is therefore more expensive.
  • What are outdoor furniture made out of?

    Most outdoor patio furniture is made of aluminum because aluminum is a superior material for that purpose. Some outdoor patio furniture is made from other materials, including wood, cast iron and steel.
  • How long should outdoor patio furniture last?

    Most high-quality outdoor furniture is designed to withstand the elements of nature, thus you should expect years of use from your patio furniture. While most manufacturers will offer 5, 10, 15 or even 20-year warranties on their products, more often than not, their product is made from materials that will extend the lifetime of the piece beyond th
  • What materials are required for refinishing cabine...?

    Refinishing materials come in a variety of quality levels. There are higher grade stains and varnishes and cheaper versions as well. If your cabinets will be in direct sunlight or located in an outdoor kitchen, you may need higher grade materials than if they do not get exposed to the elements at all. If you are spending the time and money for refi
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