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  • Go nautical for your home interiors

    Go nautical for your home interiors

    It's not required to spend a fortune to buy art and decoration items, even by changing shading lines to the shades of ocean and painting your walls with fun sea creatures you can get the perfect look.

  • Interior decoration ideas inspired by the 1960’s

    Interior decoration ideas inspired by the 1960’s

    It marked the beginning of changes in the American culture which gave birth to new ideas, trends and a distinct style of interior decoration. Everything became more dynamic, graphic and expressive, unlike contemporary interiors.

  • Interior decoration ideas for nature inspired living

    Interior decoration ideas for nature inspired living

    To help with this, we are proposing some ideas to help you make nature inspired living.Use flower powerReplace boring geometric designs with flower printed or embroidered ones. A fabric featuring birds, branches, flowers is a great way to wake up to a beautiful indoor.

  • Exterior paint designs for creative minds

    Exterior paint designs for creative minds

    A lot of us spend quite a lot of time and effort in decorating the interiors of our homes. But, have you ever thought of painting it outside? Seems rather out of the ordinary doesn't it? It doesn't have to be anymore.

Frequently Asked

  • Am I allowed to decorate the apartment without pen...?

    Most leases stipulate that when you move out, the apartment must be restored to the same condition you got it in. And some landlords actually have a clause in the lease that says you need their written permission before painting or decorating. Putting up wallpaper, driving nails into the walls, hanging artwork all of that might need to be pre-appro
  • What is fabric painting?

    Through the process of fabric painting, different fabrics such as apparel fabrics or home furnishing fabrics can be given a crafty look. In fact, it can also be used for embellishing finished garments such as t-shirt, pants, jeans, and jackets as also many other products like bags, pillows, or anything made up of fabrics just by adding designs and
  • What Are Best Exterior Paint Color Combinations?

    A) Ivory + White + Aqua. B) Aqua + Royal Purple + Crisp White. C) Mustard Yellow + Brown + Honeysuckle White. D) Cool Green + Butter Yellow + Pure White. E) Slate Gray + White + Deep Turquoise. F) Apricot + Peach Cream + Green. G) Olive Green + Oak + White.
  • I have a huge blank wall in my living room. How ca...?

    Put some 'brick wall' interiors. But it is not possible to say if it will suit your room without any pictures of it. One of the easiest ways to decorate a wall is to paint it creatively or put some wallpapers on. You can also paint in some dark shade and hang photo frames there. It reminds you of the best time of your life with your family and frie
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