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Frequently Asked

  • How does a gas fireplace function?

    The fireplace consists of incombustible "logs" covering gas vents, and the fire itself burns behind glass doors. The fire draws air outside air through a pipe to support combustion, so no warm room air is drawn out of the house. If you want to add a fireplace to an existing home, a gas fireplace makes sense.
  • What are the woods in electric fireplaces made of?

    The wooden logs in electric fireplaces are not conventional timber or wooden logs but are mostly made from recycled products. There are different materials that are used to make these fireplace logs. They include recycled sawdust and other products derived during the manufacture of wooden products. They are also made from recycled coffee beans and
  • How long do electric fireplaces last?

    A well-maintained electric fireplace can last up to 10 years and depending on the make and its proper upkeep, it can last for as long as 20 years. Most manufacturers give a warranty for 2 years, but some give a warranty of up to 10 years. They are simple to use and maintain and if properly cleaned and used, good models can last anywhere between 10
  • How much does it take to run an electric fireplace...?

    Electric fireplaces are easy to operate, convenient and also do not take much to run them. On an average, electric fireplaces consume less than 1,500 watts of power. However, it also depends on the usage. If the settings are kept at the maximum, the consumption increases consequently. On an average, in terms of cost, they cost about 10 cents an hou
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