
Frequently Asked

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  • How can office furniture perform multi-functionality ?

    To maximize your budget purchase furniture with multiple functions in mind. For example, lounge or storage furniture can also be used for collaborative or meeting spaces.Many desks are designed primarily to function as single employee workstations, but can easily be transformed into collaborative hubs. Similarly, tables can be designed to move arou
  • What is modular office furniture?

    Quite simply, modular office furniture is a set of furniture that can be tailored to fit the exact needs of an office, and then it can be added to when that company grows.
  • What is modular furniture design?

    Modular furniture is pre-made or ready made furniture which can be used according to the need and room spacing. As looking to the limitation of space in apartment of flat, modular furniture is very helpful to save space. You can use them in different ways. Modular furniture is less expensive in compare to its utility.
  • What does modular furniture mean?

    Modular furniture is pre-made or ready made furniture which can be used according to the need and room spacing. It's easy to install & dismantle according to need & it gives modern look to your home or office.

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