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Frequently Asked

  • Can one take 401(k) to buy a house?

    Yes, in some cases you are able to take a limited amount of funds from your 401(k) to purchase a house. Your Roth IRA and/or Traditional IRA would be a better source of funds, however, if you are a first-time home buyer. You would also be better off if you continued to save additional funds to purchase a home instead of taking funds from your retir
  • What should I disclose to potential buyers?

    When selling a home, its important you disclose to potential buyers anything you are aware of in your home.  Nobody likes getting the raw end of a deal when it comes to buying a home, car, or anything for that matter.  If youre aware of defects with a roof, appliance, or home in general, youre always going to be better off being honest and up
  • When will I meet my prospective home buyers?

    If you use a real estate agent to sell your home, you probably won't meet your buyers until after the closing if then. Your agent (or the buyer's agent) will handle visits to the house by potential buyers and probably encourage you to make yourself scarce during those visits lest you blurt out something you regret later. Even closings are often don
  • How much will it cost to move house?

    This will depend on what you are moving, where from and to and what type of moving service you require.
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