
Frequently Asked

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  • What do you mean by online Catalogue?

    Definition of online catalogue. A catalogue of goods for sale that is displayed on a computer screen and from which you can order goods using your computer a computer program that allows you to search for information on a particular subject.
  • What is Cataloging process?

    Cataloging (or cataloguing) is the process of creating metadata representing information resources, such as books, sound recordings, moving images, etc. Cataloging provides information such as creator names, titles, and subject terms that describe resources, typically through the creation of bibliographic records.
  • Where do Harley Davidson parts come from?

    Technically speaking, Harley-Davidson motorcycles sold in the United States are not actually made here, but assembled here. Harley contracts manufacturing of parts to plants located all over the world, including Germany, Italy, Taiwan, Japan, and Mexico. Those parts are then shipped to Harley factories here.
  • What is a Web Catalogue?

    Catalog Service for the Web (CSW), sometimes seen as Catalog Service - Web, is a standard for exposing a catalogue of geospatial records in XML on the Internet (over HTTP). The catalogue is made up of records that describe geospatial data (e.g. KML), geospatial services (e.g. WMS), and related resou

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